GMA Conversion Competency Framework

The aim of the GMA Conversion program is to further develop the set of skills and competencies of the management accountant.

Functional and Enabling Competencies:
  1. Fulfil the essential functions of a senior management accountant and business advisor by using the skills that enable them to manage and provide the essential information that businesses need to make successful financial and management decisions.
  2. Have the ability to absorb broadly applicable, or general, attributes that are distinct from more specific discipline or task-related capabilities throughout their career and professional development.
  3. Be able to apply the principles of decision-making in a work environment because the course involves study that develops their analytical and decision-making skills.
  4. Have the discipline, initiative and organisational skills required to complete individual tasks and the negotiation, leadership and communication skills to work in team situations.
  5. Have had the opportunity to develop the ability to think logically and to communicate clearly and effectively with words as well as numbers.
  6. Have developed an international outlook and understanding in areas such as intercultural communication and Australia’s changing role in the global market and in international trade.